PTF weekly SN discovery report, December 31, 2011
ATel #3840; A. Gal-Yam, I. Arcavi, O. Yaron, D. Xu (Weizmann), P. Nugent (LBL), Y.-C. Pan (Oxford) report for the PTF
on 31 Dec 2011; 09:39 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Supernovae
Credential Certification: Avishay Gal-Yam (
Subjects: Optical, Supernovae
The PTF (ATEL #1964, #3253; ; Law et al. 2009, PASP, 121, 1395; Rau et al. 2009, PASP, 121, 1334) reports the discovery of 5 new supernovae. PTF discoveries are made by autonomous PTF software (Bloom et al. 2011, ), as well as by the Galaxy Zoo Supernova Project (Smith et al. 2011, MNRAS, 412, 1309; ).
Name | RA (J2000) | Dec (J2000) | Discovery | Mag | Redshift | Type | Spec. | Phase | Instrument | Notes
PTF11qju | 14 15 27.01 | +36 24 31.0 | Nov 17.55 | 18.9 | 0.0282 | SN II | Dec 27 | | P200+DBSP |
PTF11qvc | 13 20 53.60 | +42 49 01.6 | Nov 23.46 | 19.3 | 0.12 | SN Ia | Dec 19 | 20 d | WHT+ISIS |
PTF11rem | 23 53 45.77 | -10 33 51.0 | Dec 08.14 | 18.3 | 0.0787 | SN Ia | Dec 21 | 21 d | P200+DBSP |
PTF11rkd | 01 32 49.46 | -00 08 33.3 | Dec 21.11 | 19.9 | 0.145 | SN Ia | Dec 27 | | P200+DBSP |
PTF11rke | 01 32 53.51 | -00 31 35.2 | Dec 21.11 | 18.9 | 0.0943 | SN Ia | Dec 27 | | P200+DBSP |
PTF is a collaboration of Caltech, LCOGT, the Weizmann Institute, LBNL, Oxford, Columbia, IPAC, and Berkeley.