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EVLA Observations of T Pyx Reveal Radio Brightening

ATel #3679; M. I. Krauss (NRAO), L. Chomiuk (CfA/NRAO), J. L. Sokoloski (Columbia U.), M. P. Rupen, A. J. Mioduszewski, N. Roy (NRAO), T. J. O'Brien (U. of Manchester), M. F. Bode (Liverpool John Moores U.), S. P. S. Eyres (U. of Central Lancashire), K. Mukai (NASA/GSFC/CRESST & UMBC), T. Nelson (U. of Minnesota)
on 11 Oct 2011; 21:27 UT
Credential Certification: Miriam I. Krauss (

Subjects: Radio, Nova, Transient

Referred to by ATel #: 4452

EVLA observations of T Pyx on 2011 September 17 and 24 show that it is now substantially brighter in the radio than previously reported (ATel #3318). This radio brightening follows a reported increase in X-ray flux and variability (ATel #3647). Our observed radio flux densities, covering a frequency range of 2 – 40 GHz, are reported below, including estimated 1σ errors. The spectrum can be characterized by a power-law with a spectral index of approximately α = 1.4 (where Sν ∝ να), suggesting an optically-thick thermal source of emission.

Date Freq (GHz) Flux Density (mJy)
Sept 17.6 12.6 11.09 +/- 0.18
Sept 17.6 16.0 14.20 +/- 0.23
Sept 17.6 23.7 26.93 +/- 0.25
Sept 17.6 29.0 38.97 +/- 0.61
Sept 17.6 37.0 47.9 +/- 1.2
Sept 24.6 2.5 0.80 +/- 0.12
Sept 24.6 3.5 1.350 +/- 0.071
Sept 24.6 5.0 3.014 +/- 0.058
Sept 24.6 7.0 5.157 +/- 0.037
Sept 24.6 8.4 6.738 +/- 0.21

The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a facility of the National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc. We are grateful to the EVLA scheduling and commissioning teams.

EVLA Nova Collaboration Website