Spectroscopic Confirmation of N Lup 2011
ATel #3540; Frederick M. Walter (Stony Brook University)
on 9 Aug 2011; 20:55 UT
Credential Certification: Fred Walter (fwalter@mail.astro.sunysb.edu)
I confirm that the eruptive variable in Lupus, reported as a possible nova (AAVSO Special Notice #247; vsnet-alerts 13560 and 13569) is an Fe II nova near maximum. A low dispersion blue spectrum (4.1A resolution; 3700-5400A) obtained with the SMARTS 1.5m RC spectrograph at Cerro Tololo, Chile, on 2011 August 9.013 UT shows emission lines of the Hydrogen Balmer series Hβ through H-10, and of Fe II multiplet 42 atop a flat continuum. Hβ has an equivalent width of -130A. The strong emission lines have P Cygni profiles, with absorption components blueshifted by about 1000 km/s