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Spectroscopic classification of the M31 nova candidate, M31N 2011-06a

ATel #3497; Y. Cao (THCA), S. Ben-Ami (WIS), D. Polishook (WIS), A. Sternberg (WIS), I. Arcavi (WIS), A. Gal-Yam (WIS) and M. M. Kasliwal (Caltech) report on behalf of the Palomar Transient Factory collaboration
on 18 Jul 2011; 16:19 UT
Credential Certification: Mansi Manoj Kasliwal (

Subjects: Optical, Nova

A spectrum of the nova candidate M31N 2011-06a (ATEL#3409) was obtained with the Double Beam Spectrograph mounted on the Palomar 200-inch Hale telescope on June 28, 2011, about 20 days after its maximum light. The spectrum exhibits prominent Balmer emission lines (FWHM Halpha ~ 2000 km/s) and Fe II emission lines. This observation confirms that M31N 2011-06a is a classical nova, and a member of the Fe II spectroscopic class (Williams et al. 1994). This nova is internally designated PTF11fvj among collaborators.