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Spectroscopy of PSN J19583553+0236163

ATel #3450; D. C. Leonard (San Diego State University), J. Moustakas (U. C. San Diego), B. J. Swift (U. Arizona), D. McCarthy (U. Arizona), V. Bailey, E. Carrico, A. Carter, E. Chui, E. Douglas, E. Eggeman, R. Goldberg, R. Grant, K. Hartman, J. Hellerstein, E. Hooper, C. Horlick-Cruz, L. Hunter, T. Jiles, E. D. Johnson, K. Kumar, L. Lappe, J. Lee, W. Lee, F. Marsh, G. Mehta, P. Miller, R. Rampalli, J. Reed, K. Rice, H. Saldivar, M. Salgado-Flores, A. Schlingman, W. F. Schlingman, W. M. Schlingman, S. Scibelli, K. Sinclair, I. Steincamp, N. Stock, N. Todd, L. L. Aizpuru Vargas, S. Yamanaka, E. Zachary (2011 Advanced Teen Astronomy Camp)
on 23 Jun 2011; 19:04 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Supernovae
Credential Certification: D. C. Leonard (

Subjects: Optical, Supernovae

As part of the 2011 Advanced Teen Astronomy Camp (, we obtained a low dispersion optical spectrum (range 370-690 nm) of PSN J19583553+0236163 in UGC 11501 with the 2.3m Bok telescope (+ Boller & Chivens spectrograph) at Steward Observatory, on 2011 June 23 UT. Cross-correlation with a library of supernova spectra using the Supernova Identification code (SNID; Blondin and Tonry 2007, Ap.J. 666, 1024) shows it to be a type-Ia supernova of the 91T-like sub-class several days before maximum light; good matches are obtained with pre-maximum (-6.4 +/- 2.7 days) template spectra of SN 1991T, SN 1997br, and SN 1999aa. Using the NED redshift of z=0.025 for UGC 11501, the velocity of the (weak) Si II 635.5-nm feature is approximately 10,100 km/s.