EVLA Detection of PTF11eon/SN2011dh
ATel #3411; A. Horesh (Caltech), C. Stockdale (Marquette), D. A. Frail (NRAO), M. Kasliwal (Caltech), S. Kulkarni (Caltech), A. Gal-Yam (Weizmann Institute), I. Arcavi (Weizmann Institute), E. O. Ofek (Caltech), R. Quimby (Caltech), F. Yuan (U. Michigan), C. Akerlof (U. Michigan), T. McKay (U. Michigan), K. Weiler (NRL), S. Van Dyk (Spitzer), S. Immler (NASA/Goddard), J. Marcaide (Valencia), S. Ryder (AAO), N. Panagia (STScI), D. Pooley (Eureka), F. Bauer (Pontificia Universidad Catolica), C. Williams (MIT)
on 7 Jun 2011; 21:30 UT
Credential Certification: Assaf Horesh (assafh@astro.caltech.edu)
Subjects: Radio, Supernovae
We triggered our NRAO Target Of Opportunity programs (PI Kasliwal; PI Stockdale) and used the Expanded Very Large Array (EVLA) to observe PTF11eon/SN2011dh (ATEL#3398), a very young Type II supernova.
EVLA observations were undertaken on 2011 June 04.25 UT.
We detect radio emission at a center frequency of 22.46 GHz (K band)
at a flux of 2.68 +/- 0.10 mJy/beam. The spectral luminosity density is therefore 2.02+/-0.08 10^26 erg s^-1 Hz^-1.
The source was detected at the following coordinates (J2000):
RA=13:30:05.104; DEC=+47:10:10.915; we give conservative errors of +/-0.01 arcsec in both coordinates.
Further observations are ongoing.
We thank the EVLA staff for scheduling these target of opportunity observations.