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IGR J16465-4507 counterpart

ATel #336; Juan A. Zurita Heras (ISDC), Roland Walter (ISDC)
on 1 Oct 2004; 18:57 UT
Credential Certification: Roland Walter (

Subjects: X-ray, Gamma Ray, Transient

Referred to by ATel #: 338, 429

XMM-Newton follow-up observation of the transient source IGR J16465-4507 detected by INTEGRAL on Sept. 6, 2004 (ATEL#329) was performed on Sept. 14, 2004 (02:16-04:45 UTC). A single counterpart is detected with the EPIC/MOS camera at position RA=16:46:35.5 DEC=-45:07:04 (J2000, uncertainty 4").

The X-ray flux (3+/-1)E-12 erg/sec/cm2 (4-10 keV) is about 100 times fainter than during the flare detected by INTEGRAL on Sept. 7.

A bright infrared counterpart (2MASS J16463526-4507045, J=10.54) is found in the 2MASS catalogue.