Confirmation of the Luminous Transient CSS110406:135058+261642 (=PTF11dij)
ATel #3344; R. M. Quimby (Caltech), A. Sternberg (Weizmann Institute), and T. Matheson (NOAO) report on behalf of the PTF Collaboration
on 12 May 2011; 23:24 UT
Credential Certification: Robert Quimby (
Subjects: Optical, Supernovae, Transient
Referred to by ATel #: 3351
The Palomar Transient
Factory (Law et al.,
2009; Rau et al.,
2009) detected a source, PTF11dij, on 2011 March 30 at RA =
13:50:57.77, Dec = +26:16:42.8 (J2000), which is consistent with the
position of CSS110406:135058+261642 (Drake et al. ATel#3343). The
source was first detected at about 21 mag in the g-band, and
brightened to about 17.7 mag by May 5.
Spectroscopic follow-up was performed with the KPNO 4m telescope (+RC
Spectrograph) on May 11. We find narrow emission lines, presumably
from the host galaxy, which indicate a redshift of z=0.143. This is
consistent with the value reported by Drake et al. (ATel#3343). At
this redshift, our photometry indicates a peak of about -21.5
mag. Over all, the spectra show a blue continuum with subtle line
features. We find a reasonable match to the luminous, hydrogen poor
supernova PTF09cnd at about 1 week past maximum light, however the
characteristic OII mutiplet is not strongly detected (Quimby et
al. 2011, Nature, in press).