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MAXI/GSC detection of a new X-ray transient MAXI J1543-564

ATel #3330; H. Negoro (Nihon U.), S. Nakahira (RIKEN), Y. Ueda (Kyoto U.), T. Mihara, M. Sugizaki, M. Serino, T. Yamamoto, T. Sootome, M. Matsuoka (RIKEN), S. Ueno, H. Tomida, M. Kohama, M. Ishikawa (JAXA), N. Kawai, M. Morii, K. Sugimori, R. Usui, T. Toizumi (Tokyo Tech), A. Yoshida, K. Yamaoka (AGU), H. Tsunemi, M. Kimura, H. Kitayama (Osaka U.), M. Nakajima, F. Suwa, M. Asada, H. Sakakibara (Nihon U.), K. Hiroi, M. Shidatsu (Kyoto U.), Y. Tsuboi, T. Matsumura, K. Yamazaki (Chuo U.) report on behalf of the MAXI team
on 8 May 2011; 16:55 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Transients
Credential Certification: Hitoshi Negoro (

Subjects: X-ray, Black Hole, Neutron Star, Star, Transient, Pulsar

Referred to by ATel #: 3331, 3334, 3336, 3341, 3355, 3359, 3364, 3365, 3372, 3407, 3662, 8582

At 2011-05-08 04:21 UT (MJD=55689.18125), the MAXI/GSC alert system triggered a new X-ray transient at the position:
(R.A., Dec) = (+235.788 deg, -56.421 deg) = (15 43 09.1, -56 25 16) (J2000)
with a systematic uncertainty of 0.2 deg.
The 2-20 keV X-ray flux from the source has increased since 2011-05-07, reaching 21+-5 mCrab on average at scan transits from 2011-05-07 13:07 to 2011-05-08 04:21. The source is too faint for the MAXI/GSC to detect any significant variability. Its energy spectrum, however, tends to become softer after the detection.

There is no known X-ray source within the error circle, and no bright sources are found on archival ROSAT all-sky survey images. We tentatively refer this transient as MAXI J1543-564. Follow-up observations are strongly encouraged.

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