EVLA Radio Upper Limits for Nova V5588 Sgr
ATel #3319; M. I. Krauss (NRAO), L. Chomiuk (CfA/NRAO), J. L. Sokoloski (Columbia U.), M. P. Rupen, A. J. Mioduszewski, N. Roy (NRAO), T. J. O'Brien (U. of Manchester), M. F. Bode (Liverpool John Moores U.), S. P. S. Eyres (U. of Central Lancashire)
on 3 May 2011; 17:24 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Novae
Credential Certification: Miriam I. Krauss (miriam@space.mit.edu)
The EVLA Nova Team has observed the classical nova V5588 Sgr (IAUC # 9203 , CBET #2707) with the EVLA on 2011 April 21.5, April 30.3, and May 1.3, corresponding to 24.6, 33.4, and 34.4 days after its discovery. These observations are part of an ongoing monitoring effort. The last two observations bracket an episode of re-brightening reported in optical observations (CBET #2707; see also the AAVSO Light Curve Generator).
All observations yield non-detections, as enumerated in the table below. The flux density values reported are the mean level measured at the expected position of V5588 Sgr; errors are 1σ. We calculated lower limits on the source distance assuming the presence of spherical, optically thick thermal ejecta (radio spectral index α = 2, where Sν ∝ ν α) with expansion velocity 900 km/s (IAUC # 9203 ) and temperature 104 K; 3σ values of the observed errors were used for this calculation.
Date | Freq | Flux Density | Distance |
(UT) | (GHz) | (microJy/beam) | (kpc) |
Apr 21.5 | 5.9 | 2.6 +/- 8.0 | > 2.3 |
Apr 30.3 | 32 | 57 +/- 50 | > 6.8 |
May 1.3 | 5.9 | 10.9 +/- 7.3 | > 3.4 |
The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a facility of the National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc. We are grateful to the EVLA scheduling and commissioning teams.
EVLA Nova Collaboration Website