ATel #3224; A. Malizia, R. Landi, V. Sguera, N. Masetti (IASF-Bo, Italy), A. Bazzano (IASF-Roma, Italy), A. J. Bird (University of Southampton, UK), C. Ferrigno (ISDC, Switzerland), M. Cadolle Bel (ESA/ESAC, Spain), K. Watanabe (FGCU, USA)
on 16 Mar 2011; 21:23 UT
Credential Certification: Raffaella Landi (landi@iasfbo.inaf.it)
Subjects: X-ray, Gamma Ray, Transient
We report on the possible association of the new INTEGRAL transient source
IGR J17177-3656 (Atel #3223) with an Emission-line star.
At 2.7 arcmin, just outside the 90% IBIS/ISGRI positional uncertainty and
almost consistent (at 1.51 arcmin) with the 90% positional uncertainty of JEM-X position,
the SIMBAD database reports the star
2MASS J17175282-3655550 ([KW2003] 9) at the following coordinates RA: 17h 17m 52.84s and
Dec: -36d 55m 56.2s. The star is listed in the catalogue of new H-alpha
emission line stars towards the Galactic bulge of Kohoutek and Wehmeyer (2003):
it has a relatively strong H-alpha line possibly variable on top of a strong continuum.
The star is also listed in several optical and near-infrared catalogues with
the following magnitudes:
J=10.68, H = 10.21, K = 9.90, R = 13.3 and B = 14.4;
in addition the GLIMPSE catalogue reports the following far-infrared magnitudes
5.8 micron = 9.5 and 8.0 micron = 9.0.
The sky region has been observed very shortly by the UVOT telescope on-board Swift on January 27, 2011 and a few sources were detected including the emission line star with
a magnitude of 17.92 in the UVM2 filter.
Considering the transient nature of the INTEGRAL source and the proximity of the emission line star
2MASS J17175282-3655550 to the IBIS positional uncertainty, we suggest that the two objects
may be associated.
Follow-up optical-infrared spectroscopy of this proposed counterpart is highly encouraged.