Spectroscopic Confirmation of PS1 MDS Supernova Discoveries With the MMT
ATel #3190; R. Chornock, I. Czekala (Harvard/CfA), M. Huber (JHU), R. J. Foley (Harvard/CfA), A. Rest (STScI), G. Narayan, E. Berger, P. Challis, R. P. Kirshner, A. M. Soderberg, C. Stubbs (Harvard/CfA), J. Tonry (IfA), A. Riess (JHU), W. M. Wood-Vasey (Pitt), S. J. Smartt (QUB), E. Magnier, K. Chambers, N. Kaiser, J. Morgan, W. Burgett, J. Heasley, W. Sweeney, C. Waters, H. Flewelling (IfA), and P. A. Price (Princeton)
on 25 Feb 2011; 07:09 UT
Credential Certification: Ryan Chornock (chornock@astro.berkeley.edu)
Subjects: Optical, Supernovae, Transient
We report the spectroscopic confirmation of supernova candidates found in the
Pan-STARRS1 Medium Deep Survey. All spectra (range 3310-8480 Angstroms) were
obtained using the Blue Channel spectrograph on the 6.5-m MMT on 2011 February
22 and 23 UT. These observations are part of a large Harvard/CfA program for PS1 transients
classification at the MMT (PI: Berger).
PS1 Name RA (J2000) Dec Disc. Date(UT) AB Mag Type Redshift
PS1-11fi 14:12:57.070 +52:44:37.19 2011-02-02 i=19.4 Ia 0.082
PS1-11fl 14:05:19.151 +53:07:24.23 2011-02-02 i=20.7 IIP 0.096
PS1-11iv 12:14:55.583 +46:34:33.27 2011-02-02 i=21.4 Ia 0.293
PS1-11jo 12:16:00.420 +47:55:13.52 2011-02-02 i=22.5 Ia 0.33
PS1-11ka 12:16:26.983 +47:01:28.37 2011-02-04 r=20.5 Ib/c 0.024
PS1-11kk 16:10:49.278 +55:15:05.25 2011-02-03 z=22.7 Ia 0.30
PS1-11kl 16:21:20.254 +55:00:19.76 2011-02-10 r=21.3 Ia 0.26
PS1-11li 12:16:14.104 +46:20:46.00 2011-02-10 r=21.7 IIP 0.068
PS1-11ka is in the nearby galaxy NGC 4226, but was discovered several months
after maximum light.
Listed magnitudes are from the time of discovery. Identifications were
performed by cross-correlating with a library of SN templates using the SNID
(Blondin & Tonry 2007, ApJ, 666, 1024) code. Redshifts were determined from
host galaxies where possible (3 significant figures) or from SNID (2 significant
We thank the PS1 and MMT telescope staffs for their assistance with these
observations. These discoveries were enabled using the PS1 System operated by
the PS1 Science Consortium (PS1SC) and its member institutions, and made
possible through the PS1 Builders: http://www.ps1sc.org/PS1_System_ATel.shtml.