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Discovery and classification of 17 new supernovae by the Palomar Transient Factory

ATel #2961; S. Ben-Ami (weizmann), C. Badenes (Weizmann), S. R. Kulkarni (Caltech) , T. Matheson (Noao), D. Xu (Weizmann), A. Gal-Yam (Weizmann), I. Arcavi (Weizmann), M. M. Kasliwal (Caltech), R. Quimby (Caltech), O. Yaron (Weizmann), A. Stenberg (Weizmann), Y. Green (Weizmann),P. E. Nugent (LBNL), D. A. Howell (LCOGT/UCSB), M. Sullivan (Oxford), J. Cooke (UCI), S. B. Cenko (UCB), N. Law (Caltech), D. Levitan (Caltech), E. O. Ofek (Caltech), D. Poznanski (UCB/LBNL) on behalf of the Palomar transient factory
on 20 Oct 2010; 18:40 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Supernovae
Credential Certification: Mansi Manoj Kasliwal (

Subjects: Optical, Supernovae, Transient

We report the discovery and spectroscopic classification of 17 new supernovae from the Palomar Transient Factory (PTF; ). The supernovae were discovered and classified by Oarical, an autonomous software framework of the PTF collaboration, based on observations made with the Palomar 48-inch Oschin Schmidt telescope. Spectroscopy was undertaken with the R-C spectrograph mounted at the Cassegrain focus of the Mayall 4-m telescope at Kitt Peak Observatory on UT 2010 October 8-10 by Ben-Ami, Badenes, Kulkarni, and Matheson.

Details of the discoveries are as follows:

Name RA Dec Disc Date Disc Mag(r) Type Z Phase(d)
PTF10weh 17:26:50.46 58:51:07.40Sep 22.13819.6SN IIn0.138
PTF10xgc16:47:29.88+24:20:34.5Oct 3.11318.7SN Ia0.048+11
PTF10urj00:47:45.15+39:44:39.9Sep 9.17219.9SN Ia0.105-8
PTF10xtu01:06:48.77+27:32:03.7Oct 8.40619.5SN Ia0.11+0
PTF10xij03:43:59.58-17:59:18.4Oct 3.32218.6SN Ia0.104+1
PTF10xhs00:03:05.53+12:08:02.5Sep 30.27219.8SN Ia0.203+2
PTF10xsk22:43:51.4322:29:21.80Oct 2.11220.7SN Ia0.110-3
PTF10xjy23:46:24.922:48:54.40Oct 4.40818.8SN Ia0.118-8
PTF10wnp00:53:16.0132:32:35.00Sep 22.22618.2SN IIP0.046
PTF10xgp04:16:50:3001:51:39.20Oct 3.46220.5SN Ia0.010+15
PTF10xvh04:28:52.12-09:22:38.9Oct 4.52519.2SN Ia0.106+5
PTF10xxw16:40:59.71+58:31:40.6Oct 10.14117.6SN Ia0.130+5
PTF10xjm02:04:16.96+03:58:43.3Oct 4.46619.1SN Ia0.158+1
PTF10xiw02:07:27.19+04:18:13.7Oct 4.46619.5SN II0.06
PTF10xyy04:45:55.65-08:44:44.7Oct 4.50219.8SN Ia0.14 +1
PTF10xla00:45:16.27-14:13:42.5Oct 4.34119.2SN Ib/c0.053
PTF10yad22:52:16.72+04:11:06.5Oct 10.21620.2SN Ia0.14-9