Continuing GeV activity of the Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 PMN J0948+0022
ATel #2752; Luigi Foschini (INAF OA Brera, Italy)
on 22 Jul 2010; 07:23 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Request For Observations
Credential Certification: Luigi Foschini (
Subjects: Gamma Ray, >GeV, Request for Observations, AGN, Quasar, Transient
The gamma-ray Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 PMN J0948+0022 (z=0.585, Abdo et al., 2009, ApJ, 699, 976; Foschini et al., arXiv:0908.3313; Abdo et al., 2009, 700, 727), whose GeV activity has been recently reported by Donato et al. (ATEL #2733, 12 July 2010), is continuing its gamma-ray outburst. After a short period of quiescence (i.e. non-detection by Fermi/LAT on daily basis) following the outburst described in the ATEL #2733, PMN J0948+0022 was again detected at high flux on 21 July 2010 (MJD 55398).
The flux in the 0.1-100 GeV energy band as measured by LAT in the period between 21 July 2010 00:00 and 22:45 UTC is (1.2±0.5)Ã10-6 ph cm-2 s-1 (TS = 26).
Follow-up observations are strongly encouraged, being this the first GeV outburst of a NLS1 ever observed.
I am grateful to the Fermi/LAT Collaboration for having made immediately available the LAT data, through the High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC), provided by NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. Data analyzed with the publicly available software package LAT Science Tools v. 9.15.2 and related calibration database.