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The Early Type Ia Supernovae PTF10nlg and PTF10ndc

ATel #2735; D. A. Howell (LCOGT/UCSB), P. E. Nugent (LBNL), M. Sullivan (Oxford), J. Cooke (Caltech), S. B. Cenko, D. A. Perley, J. S. Bloom, A. A. Miller (UC Berkeley), J. Botyanszki (LBNL / UC Berkeley), A. Cucchiara (LBNL / UC Berkeley / UC Santa Cruz)
on 12 Jul 2010; 18:17 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Supernovae
Credential Certification: Andy Howell (

Subjects: Optical, Supernovae

The Type Ia supernova science working group of the Palomar Transient Factory (ATEL#1964) reports the discovery of two early Type Ia supernovae: PTF10nlg and PTF10ndc. PTF 10nlg is located at RA=16:50:34.48, DEC=+60:16:35.0 (J2000). It was discovered July 2 (all dates UT) on the Palomar 48 inch at approximately r=20.1, and had risen to r=18.9 by July 7. The SN was not detected to r=20 on June 26 or to r=21.5 on June 21. A spectrum obtained at Keck on July 7 UT by Cenko reveals it to be a SN Ia at z=0.05, more than one week before maximum light at that time. PTF 10ndc is located at RA=17:19:50.18, DEC=+28:41:57.5 (J2000). It was discovered July 3 at r=19.7. By July 9 it had risen to 18.9. It was not detected to r=20.3 on June 28, or to r=21.2 on June 23. A spectrum taken at DBSP on the Palomar 200 inch on July 7 UT by Cooke reveals it to be a Type Ia supernova about a week before maximum light at that time. STIS/UV spectroscopic observations on the Hubble Space Telescope for both supernovae were triggered by the ToO program "Verifying the Utility of Type Ia Supernovae as Cosmological Probes: Evolution and Dispersion in the Ultraviolet Spectra " (PI: R. Ellis).