INTEGRAL observes A1744-361 (XTE J1748-361) in hard X-rays
ATel #266; S. A.Grebenev (IKI, Moscow), P. Goldoni (CEA, Saclay), V. Schönfelder (MPE, Garching), J.-P. Roques (CESR, Toulouse), R. A.Sunyaev (IKI, Moscow & MPA, Garching), T. Courvoisier (ISDC, Versoix), C. Winkler (ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk)
on 9 Apr 2004; 17:09 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Request For Observations
Credential Certification: S.A.Grebenev (
Subjects: Radio, Infra-Red, Optical, X-ray, Black Hole, Transient
Referred to by ATel #: 267, 567
The X-ray transient A1744-361 (XTE J1748-361) was detected with
ISGRI/IBIS on April 7-8, 2004 during the INTEGRAL Galactic Center
Deep Exposure observation. The average flux in the 17-45 keV band
was equal to 19.8+/-1.6 mCrab (the S/N ratio was 13). The photon
spectrum was extending to at least 100 keV. The source was seen
neither in March during previous GCDE observations nor in the
beginning of April during the Galactic Center Open Program
observation (the 3-sigma upper limit was 1.5 mCrab). The
simultaneous reactivation of the source in the standard X-ray
band was detected with RXTE (Atel #265).
A1744-361 was discovered in outburst with Ariel V in February
1976 (IAUC # 2926 ) and was suspected to be an X-ray nova due
to rather a long period of activity (~2 months) and a soft
X-ray spectrum (Carpenter et al. ApJ, 1977, 179, 27P). The
second outburst was detected with RXTE in November-December
2003 (Atel #204). The current INTEGRAL and RXTE detections
may mean that the source is at the beginning of its third
large outburst.
INTEGRAL is continuing to observe this region. The hard X-ray
activity of X-ray novae is often accompanied by an increase in
IR and radio flux. We encourage follow-up observations of this
source at other wavelengths.