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EVLA Observations of SN2010da

ATel #2658; Laura Chomiuk (U. of Wisconsin, NRAO) and Alicia Soderberg (Harvard/CfA)
on 3 Jun 2010; 02:41 UT
Credential Certification: Laura Chomiuk (

Subjects: Radio, Star, Supernovae, Transient, Variables

Referred to by ATel #: 2660, 3726

We observed the LBV outburst, SN 2010da in NGC 300 (CBET #2289, ATEL #2632, ATEL #2633, ATEL #2636, ATEL #2637, ATEL #2638), with the EVLA as part of our NRAO Key Science Project entitled "Exotic Explosions, Eruptions, and Disruptions: A New Transient Phase-Space" (Program AS1020; PI Soderberg). The transient was observed at frequencies of 4.9, 8.5, and 22.5 GHz spanning 2010 May 27-31 UT. We do not detect a coincident radio counterpart at any frequency and place 3 sigma upper limits on the flux density of F_nu < 87 (4.9 GHz), 75 (8.5 GHz), and 225 (22.5 GHz) microJy, respectively. Further EVLA observations are planned. We also report upper limits on the progenitor from pre-eruption VLA observations taken between 2008 May 25 and Jul 26 UT (Program AS951; PI Soderberg). At 4.9, 8.5, and 22.5 GHz, the 3 sigma limits on the progenitor are F_nu < 110, 130, and 160 microJy, respectively.