Discovery of the orbital period in the Swift/Bat data of the highly absorbed HMXB IGR J17354-3255.
ATel #2596; A. D'Ai' (Univ. of Palermo), G. Cusumano (INAF IASF Palermo), V. La Parola (INAF IASF Palermo), A Segreto (INAF IASF Palermo)
on 4 May 2010; 16:58 UT
Credential Certification: Valentina La Parola (
Subjects: X-ray, Binary, Neutron Star, Star
We analyzed the data collected along the 54 months of the Swift-BAT survey
of the highly absorbed HMXB IGR J17354-3255 (Kuulkers, ATEL #874; Vercellone, ATEL #2019;
Tomsick, ATEL #2022; Bulgarelli, ATEL #2017). The
source is detected in the all-sky mosaic image obtained in
the 15-50 keV energy band with a significance of 10 standard deviations.
We performed a timing
analysis on the BAT light curve in the same energy range using a folding
search technique. IGR J17354-3255 shows a strong modulation at 8.452 ±
0.002 days; the folded light curve is structured with an inferred eclipse
at MJD (52726.25 ± 0.35) ± n P_orb. The 15-150 KeV average spectrum can
be modeled with an exponentially cut-off power-law, with photon-index
Gamma=1.4+/-0.9 and a cut-off energy E_cut=27 [-11, +40] keV. The average
15-150 keV flux is 2.0e-11 erg/s/cm^2.