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New large outburst of 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1

ATel #2572; Mark Kidger (Herschel Science Centre, European Space Agency European Space Astronomy Centre)
on 19 Apr 2010; 15:24 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Comets
Credential Certification: Mark Kidger (

Subjects: Far-Infra-Red, Optical, Comet, Solar System Object

Mark Kidger reports on behalf of the "Observadores_cometas Group" that a major new outburst of Comet 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann has occurred two days before the Herschel Space Observatory is due to observe the comet. The outburst was first reported on 2010 Apr. 16, 19:22UT at R=12.8 in a 10" square aperture by Estevé Cortés and the Grup d'Astronomia de Mataró (MPC A06, Mataró, Spain), having been last seen at R=16.18 by José Ramón Vidal (MPC 945, Gijón, Spain) on 2010 Apr. 14, 23:19UT. It was confirmed by Ramón Naves & Montse Campàs (MPC 213, Barcelona, Spain) at R=12.76 on 2010 Apr. 16, 20:20UT; Marius Durán (MPC C12, Sabadell, Spain) at R=12.82; and Faustino García (MPC J38, Asturias, Spain) at R=12.82 on 2010 Apr. 16, 20:56UT. On 2010 Apr. 17, 21:01UT Naves & Campàs measured R=12.90. This is the 9th largest outburst observed by the Observadores_cometas Group since they started intensive observation of the comet in 2001. The 2010 image gallery for the comet, showing a long sequence of pre- and post-outburst images can be found at and a historical light curve since 2001 at

29P image gallery for 2010