INTEGRAL detection of the X-ray outburst of SAX J1747.0-2853
ATel #256; S. Deluit (ISDC, Geneva), A. Bazzano (IASF, Roma), N. Mowlavi (ISDC, Geneva), S. Grebenev (IKI, Moscow), J-P Roques (CESR, Toulouse), V. Schoenfelder (MPE, Garching), G. Palumbo (Universita di Bologna), S. Brandt (DSRI)
on 24 Mar 2004; 11:54 UT
Credential Certification: Sandrine DELUIT (
Subjects: X-ray, Binary, Transient
We report the detection with INTEGRAL of a new outburst of the recurrent
BeppoSAX hard X-ray transient SAX J1747.0-2853, an emitting type I X-ray
bursts neutron star binary.
The source was detected at RA=266.76 DEC=-28.89 (J2000), 30 arcsec
precision, for a total exposure of 13880 s between March 20 18:16:57 and
March 21 15:12:33 as part of the Galactic Center Deep Exposure.
The source was detected with a flux of 240 mCrab in the 3-10 keV band of
JEMX1 and up to 92 mCrab in the 10-30 keV band.
We confirm thus the RXTE/PCA detection reported by Markwardt et al. in
ATEL #255.
In addition, we report a detection of only 8.5 mCrab in the 17-45 keV band
in ISGRI, which, combined with the low flux in the 10-30 keV of JEMX indicates
the source being in high state with softness in the emission.
The source had not been detected so far during any of the previous core
program observation of INTEGRAL with the source in the field of view.
Last outburst was in 2001 september and the source has never been
detected brighter than 100 mCrab with BeppoSAX.