GX 339-4 detected with INTEGRAL
ATel #240; E. Kuulkers (ESA/ESTEC), A. Bodaghee (ISDC Geneva), L. Foschini (IASF/CNR Bologna), M. Guainazzi (ESA/Vilspa), G. Matt (Universiy of Roma), G. Israel (INAF - OA Roma), F. Nicastro (CfA), T. Oosterbroek (ESA/ESTEC), A. Parmar (ESA/ESTEC), J. Rodriguez (CEA/Saclay & ISDC Geneva), R. Walter (ISDC Geneva)
on 19 Feb 2004; 06:30 UT
Credential Certification: Erik Kuulkers (ekuulker@rssd.esa.int)
Subjects: X-ray, Gamma Ray, Binary, Black Hole, Transient, Variables
Referred to by ATel #: 243, 270
GX 339-4 was in the field of view during an observation of IGR J16318-4848 with INTEGRAL (UT 2004 Feb 18 03:41 - Feb 18 17:29). Further to the increase in activity reported in the optical/radio (ATel #230) and X-rays (ATel #231, #236), we report the detection of GX 339-4 with Jem-X and ISGRI/IBIS onboard INTEGRAL. Between 2004 Feb 18 03:41 - 10:09 (UT) the average observed fluxes were ~37 mCrab, ~46 mCrab, ~24 mCrab, and ~38 mCrab, in, respectively the 3-10 keV, 10-31 keV (Jem-X), 20-60 keV, and 60-200 keV (ISGRI/IBIS) energy bands.