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Characterization of CRTS SNe with Gemini

ATel #2315; E. Christensen (Gemini Observatory); A. J. Drake, S. G. Djorgovski, M. J. Graham, A. A. Mahabal, R. Williams (Caltech); M. Catelan (PUC); J. Prieto (OCIW); E. C. Beshore, S. M. Larson, A. Boattini, A. Gibbs, A. Grauer, R. Hill, R. Kowalski (LPL/UA)
on 26 Nov 2009; 07:33 UT
Credential Certification: Andrew J. Drake (

Subjects: Optical, Supernovae, Transient

We carried out spectroscopic follow-up of Catalina Real-time Transient Survey (CRTS) supernova candidates with the Gemini South telescope on Nov. 10 UT, and the Gemini North telescope on Nov. 19 UT, with the following results:

IDDisc. DateRADecDisc. Mag Type M_V z
CSS091017:0828580-003512 2009-10-17 08:28:58.20 -00:35:12.0 18.2 SN IIp -18.5 0.05
CSS091018:091109+195945 2009-10-18 09:11:09.20 19:59:45.0 19.0 SN IIn -20.3 0.15
CSS090925:001259+144121 2009-09-25 00:12:59.46 14:41:21.0 18.8 SN IIn -19.2 0.09

Peak absolute magnitudes had been derived from SN spectroscopic redshifts and CSS photometry.  
No host galaxy is seen in SDSS images reaching r~22 for CSS091017:082858-003512 suggesting that   
the host has Mr > -14.7. CSS091018:091109+195945 (ATEL#2266) has a host galaxy with SDSS r=21.7,   
suggesting that the host has Mr=-17.6. CSS090925:001259+144121 (ATEL#2266) is associated with a very faint   
uncatalogued host galaxy seen in SDSS images. We estimate this to be r~22, suggesting the host   
has Mr ~ -16.  

CSS091017:0828580-003512 is very bright for a type-IIp supernova and lies within a very faint host galaxy similar to the type-IIp SN 2009cy. The type-IIn's, CSS091018:091109+195945 and CSS090925:001259+144121, are also over-luminous SN and are thus similar to a number of similar discoveries by CRTS (eg. SN 2008fz, SN 2008iy and SN2008ja). These events provide additional evidence for a link between long-timescale, bright, type-IIn SN and intrinsically faint galaxies.

More information can be found at
Follow-up is requested.