Correction to ATEL #182 (XTE J1739-302)
ATel #218; D. M. Smith (UC Santa Cruz), W. A. Heindl (UC San Diego)
on 17 Jan 2004; 21:03 UT
Credential Certification: David M. Smith (
Subjects: X-ray, Transient
Referred to by ATel #: 338
The Chandra coordinates reported for XTE J1739-302 in ATEL #182 were incorrect by
approximately 6 arcsec due to a typographical error. The correct coordinates are
RA = 17 39 11.58, DEC = -30 20 37.6
This is approximately 0.65 arcsec from the counterpart found in the USNO A2.0
catalog, 0525 28760590.
We apologize for the error.