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INTEGRAL observes outburst from 1A 0535+262

ATel #2146; N. Produit, V. Beckmann, A. Manousakis (ISDC), V. Bianchin (IASF/Bologna-INAF), C. Budtz-Jorgensen (DNSC), A. Domingo (CAB-LAEX/CSIC-INTA), E. Kuulkers (ISOC, ESA/ESAC), A. Lutovinov (IKI), P. Mandrou (CESR), J. Paul (Saclay), A. Tarana (INAF-IASF-Rome), A. von Kienlin (MPE)
on 4 Aug 2009; 16:08 UT
Credential Certification: Volker Beckmann (

Subjects: X-ray, Gamma Ray, Binary, Transient, Pulsar

Referred to by ATel #: 2161, 6043

INTEGRAL observed the Be/X-ray binary pulsar 1A 0535+262 at large off-axis angle (> 15 degrees) between 2009-08-03T00:53 and 2009-08-04T04:32 for 11 ksec. The observation confirms the new outburst reported by Finger et al. (ATel #2142).

The average flux of the source during the observation measured by INTEGRAL IBIS/ISGRI was 318+-11 mCrab (20-40 keV) and 139+-19 mCrab (40-80 keV), consistent with INTEGRAL/SPI (360+-80 mCrab at 20-40 keV). The combined ISGRI and SPI spectrum can be represented by a single power law with photon index 3.1+-0.1 giving a model flux of 2.7e-9 erg/cm**2/sec in the 20-60 keV energy band. No significant flux evolution can be detected during this observation.

INTEGRAL will continue to observe the field until 2009-08-17