Radio observations of Vela X-1 during its current intense X-ray outburst
ATel #213; G. Tsarevsky (ATNF, CSIRO, Sydney & ASC FIAN, Moscow) & D. McConnell (ATNF, Sydney)
on 7 Dec 2003; 01:28 UT
Credential Certification: Gregory S. Tsarevsky (
Subjects: Radio, Binary, Neutron Star, Variables
We report radio observation of the high mass X-ray binary Vela X-1
(=GP Vel), which showed a very intensive hard X-ray outburst detected with
INTEGRAL (Krivonos et al., ATEL # 211). Observations with the Australia Telescope
Compact Array (6-km configuration, night time, good weather conditions)
at 4800 and 8600 MHz on 2003DEC06 from 14:20:00 to 15:50:00 UT (90 min integration)
shows no radio detection at the level of 0.6 and 0.8 mJy (5-sigma) respectively.
Further monitoring of Vela X-1 will depend on any new relevant behaviour detected by
other observer.