Optical unprecedented high brightness level of blazar PKS 1510-08
ATel #2045; V. M.Larionov, T. S.Konstantinova, D. A.Blinov (Astronomical Institute, St. Petersburg University, Russia)
on 9 May 2009; 16:23 UT
Credential Certification: V.Larionov (vlar@astro.spbu.ru)
Subjects: Optical, AGN, Quasar
With reference to ATEL #2033, ATEL #1990 and references therein on the gamma-ray and optical brightening of the blazar PKS 1510-08, we report that the source is still at very active optical state, brightening by 2 magnitudes during last 3 days and reaching R=13.60±0.02 on May 08.9, that is 0.8 magnitudes brighter than its previous record level of March 27. Our preliminary light curve can be found at http://www.astro.spbu.ru/staff/vlar/plots_optical/pks1510r.png . Simultaneously, its optical polarization have grown from 2% to 30%. Observations at all wavelengths are strongly encouraged.