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Optically flaring blazars from CRTS

ATel #2034; A. A. Mahabal, S. G. Djorgovski, A. J. Drake, M. Graham, R. Williams (Caltech), E. Beshore, S. M. Larson, A. Boattini (UA/LPL), E. Christiansen (Gemin Obs.)
on 27 Apr 2009; 23:07 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Transients
Credential Certification: Ashish Mahabal (

Subjects: Radio, Optical, Request for Observations, Quasar, Transient

Referred to by ATel #: 2041

We report the optical flaring of a few blazars based on CRTS imaging.
ID Detection DateRADecMagVOEvent ID Other designationRedshift
CSS090421:174806+340401 2009-04-21 UT 09:20:39 17:48:05.8134:04:01.116.43 904211350794109737 MG2_J174803+34032.76
CSS090421:130824+354638 2009-04-21 UT 06:05:05 13:08 23.68 35:46:37.617.87 904211350594134822 CLASS J1308+35461.05
CSS090403:112403+233646 2009-04-03 UT 05:23:18 11:24:02.69 23:36:46.018.54 904031230574116468 BLLAC CRATES
CSS090426:074240+544425 2009-04-26 UT 04:32:14 07:42:39.78 54:44:25.115.44 904261550254119759 2EG J0744+54380.72

The mag column above refers to the visual outburst mag from the CSS.
CSS090421:174806+340401 has brightened by 1.3 mags in 3 weeks, and 3.5 compared to the quiescent state.
CSS090421:130824+354638 has brightened by 1.2 mags in 3 weeks and 2.9 above the quiescent state.
CSS090403:112403+233646 is 1.5 mags brighter than 10 months ago, and 3.2 mags brighter than its low phase.
CSS090426:074240+544425 is 2.5 mags brighter compared to 30 days ago, and 5 mags brighter than the low state.

The discovery data, CSS lightcurve and finding charts for these sources are posted at the following VOEventNet webpages:

The P60 Followup images can be accessed at

Further observations are requested.