Possible optical counterpart of IGR J17254-3257
ATel #2032; I. Zolotukhin (SAI MSU)
on 26 Apr 2009; 13:08 UT
Credential Certification: M.Revnivtsev (mikej@hea.iki.rssi.ru)
Subjects: Optical, X-ray, Binary
We report on archive observations of IGR J17254-3257 field made with
3.6m ESO NTT telescope at the La Silla under programme ID 079.D-0385 on
Jun 23, 2007. The I-band frames show a single point source located within
2" uncertainty of x-ray source position obtained with XMM-Newton earlier
(Chenevez et al. 2007, A&A, 469, L27). Its estimated coordinates and
magnitude are R.A.(J2000)=17:25:24.85, DEC(J2000)=-32:57:16.5 in the
2MASS reference frame (0.2" uncertainty), I_mag = 19.1 +/- 0.5 (large error is due to the
lack of precise absolute photometry in the field).
We note however that there is another object 2.7" away from the centre
of XMM-Newton position that cannot be completely ruled out as a
counterpart of IGR J17254-3257, so we also list it here:
R.A.(J2000)=17:25:24.97, DEC(J2000)=-32:57:14.0 (0.2" uncertainty),
I_mag = 19.7 +/- 0.5.
Further observations of this field are required to tell between counterpart
candidates. In particular CHANDRA observations of the source are planned.