Spectroscopy of the nova candidate M31-2008-10b
ATel #1818; F. Di Mille , S. Ciroi (Univ. of Padova), M. Orio (INAF Padova and UW Madison),P. Rafanelli, A. Bianchini (Univ. of Padova),T. Nelson(INAF-Padova and UW Madison), G. Andreuzzi (Fundacion Galileo Galilei - INAF)
on 29 Oct 2008; 00:45 UT
Credential Certification: Stefano Ciroi (stefano.ciroi@unipd.it)
Subjects: Optical, Nova, Transient
Referred to by ATel #: 1871
We obtained a low resolution spectrum of the nova candidate M31-2008-10b ( see CBAT M31 nova page)
on 2008 October 26.12 UT.
The observations were performed with TNG + DOLORES spectrograph 20 days after the first detection (see Atel #1790 ). The spectrum (in the 330-790 nm range, with resolution 1 nm) shows strong Balmer lines superimposed on a flat continuum. The H-alpha and the H-beta lines have a FWHM of about 900 km/s. In addition several FeII multiplets and the OI (777.3 nm ) emission lines are clearly detected, confirming that this object is a nova, and indicating that it belongs to the FeII class of the Tololo scheme (Williams 1992,AJ,104,725)