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Optical follow-up of the blazar S5 0716+714

ATel #16984; Mywish Anand (Indian Astronomical Observatory), Ravi Joshi (Indian Institute of Astrophysics), Krishan Chand (Central University of Himachal Pradesh), Vibhore Negi (IUCAA), Jayesh Saraswat (Manipal Center for Natural Sciences, MAHE Manipal)
on 20 Jan 2025; 05:30 UT
Credential Certification: Vibhore Negi (

Subjects: Optical, AGN, Blazar

We followed the optical flaring activity of the blazar S5 0716+714 in multi-band SDSS filters with the 50cm telescope at the Indian Astronomical Observatory, Hanle. The blazar is reported (ATel #16980) to have recently touched its brightening phase of 12.5 mag in the Johnsons and Cousins R filter. We observed the blazar on the nights of 16 and 17 January 2025 and found the blazar is still in the bright phase with magnitudes close to ATel #16980. Two exposures of four minutes each in the five SDSS filters were taken and calibrated using the four standard stars as reported in The griz magnitudes obtained for the two nights are as follows:
Date: January 16, 2025

MJD Filter App. Mag. Error
60691.7132435735 g 13.93 0.08
60691.716072775 g 13.96 0.08
60691.71903058414 r 13.54 0.06
60691.72183641771 r 13.46 0.06
60691.72507477141 i 12.68 0.06
60691.72790400509 i 12.71 0.06
60691.73083846922 z 12.57 0.09
60691.73365598357 z 12.59 0.09

Date: January 17, 2025

MJD Filter App. Mag. Error
60692.71655045949 g 13.91 0.06
60692.71934624908 g 14.04 0.07
60692.72227355903 r 13.53 0.06
60692.72507480995 r 13.65 0.06
60692.72827814178 i 12.85 0.06
60692.73108392813 i 13.19 0.07
60692.73399512419 z 12.59 0.09
60692.73680090972 z 12.75 0.1

Further multiwavelength observations are encouraged.

These measurements are carried out as part of the long term AGN monitoring within the ‘INTERVAL’ program funded by SERB. The 50cm telescope is a robotic telescope at the Indian Astronomical Observatory in Hanle, Leh, Ladakh, India. The region of Hanle is recognised by the IAU as the first dark sky reserve in India.