Addendum: Confirmation of a compact persistent radio source associated with FRB20240114A
ATel #16886; Gabriele Bruni (INAF-IAPS), Luigi Piro (INAF-IAPS), Luciano Nicastro (INAF-OAS), Eliana Palazzi (INAF-OAS), Yuan-Pei Yang (Yunnan University), Bing Zhang (University of Nevada)
on 30 Oct 2024; 11:54 UT
Credential Certification: Gabriele Bruni (
Subjects: Radio, Transient, Fast Radio Burst, Magnetar
As an addendum to ATel #16885, we provide here peak position (J2000) and flux density from the preliminary analysis of the PRS associated with FRB20240114A:
RA: 21:27:39.8354
DEC: 04:19:45.678
Given that these observations were performed in phase-referencing, we consider 10% of the FWHM major axis as conservative estimate for the positional uncertainty, i.e. +/-0.4 milli-arcsec.
Flux density: 36+/-7 uJy
where the uncertainty is the squared sum of the image RMS plus 10% uncertainty on the absolute flux scale.