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Spectroscopic confirmation and photometry of the nova candidate AT 2024zaq

ATel #16883; A. S. Vinokurov, A. N. Sarkisyan, A. S. Moskvitin (SAO RAS)
on 29 Oct 2024; 22:19 UT
Credential Certification: Alexander Vinokurov (

Subjects: Optical, Nova, Transient

Referred to by ATel #: 16884

The bright nova candidate AT 2024zaq discovered by R. Fidrich was observed with the SCORPIO multi-mode focal reducer at the Russian 6m telescope (BTA) on 2024 October 26.77 UT. We obtained two spectra with exposures of 900 sec each with wavelength coverage of ~3600-7500 Å and spectral resolution of ~12 Å. Immediately before the spectroscopy, a set of direct images were obtained in the V filter with a total exposures of 120 sec and in the Rc filter (90 sec) after the spectral observations. Observations were carried out with a poor seeing of >2.5".

The R-band brightness of the object has decreased by 0.66 ± 0.10 magnitudes compared to the last measurement obtained on October 25.173 (ATel #16878); the estimated V-band magnitude was V = 17.40 ± 0.07. The large measurement errors are due to the uncertainty of background subtraction in the source localization region (less than 1' from the center of M31). The spectrum shows a blue continuum with strong and extremely broad Balmer and Fe II emissions which overlap each other, as well as a set of less bright features that are probably other metal lines (Na I; Al II, III; Si II); at least some of the lines appear to have P Cyg-type profile. The widths (FWHMs) of the emission lines are about 4000 km/s (the most accurate measurement for the H-alpha, 3690 ± 40 km/s). The spectrum can be found here. Based on these spectroscopic data we find that AT 2024zaq is FeII type nova.

The work was performed as part of the government contract of the SAO RAS approved by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. Observations with the SAO RAS telescopes are supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. The renovation of telescope equipment is currently provided within the national project "Science and Universities".