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OAUNI photometry of SN 2024iss

ATel #16662; A. Pereyra (Geophysical Institute of Peru, Astronomy Area), M. Zevallos (National University of Engineering - UNI, Peru), D. Alvarado (UNI), J. Delgado (UNI), J. Tello (UNI), L. de Almeida (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil), E. Torre (UNI)
on 18 Jun 2024; 22:57 UT
Credential Certification: Antonio Pereyra (

Subjects: Optical, Supernovae, Transient

We report photometry of Type II SN 2024iss (TNSTR-2024-1494, TNSCR-2024-1517) gathered with the OAUNI 51cm telescope (arXiv:1512.03104) at Huancayo Observatory, Peru. CCD imaging in R filter was performed on three consecutive nights under non-photometric conditions with airmasses lower than 1.5. The integration time was 70x20s=1400s in each observation. Our measurements yielded:

Date (UT) filter seeing (") mag
2024-06-07.102 R 2.6 13.40 +/- 0.02
2024-06-08.093 R 2.6 13.49 +/- 0.02
2024-06-09.094 R 2.8 13.59 +/- 0.02

UCAC4 field stars were used for the zero point calibration. Our observations are ~3.7 weeks after the GOTO detection (TNSTR-2024-1494). The OAUNI project is supported by UNI, TWAS, IGP and ProCiencia-Concytec (Convenio 133-2020 Fondecyt).