Allen Telescope Array 7 GHz Radio Detection of SN2024iss
ATel #16644; Joe Bright (Oxford), Wael Farah, Alexander Pollak (SETI Institute), Andrew Siemion (Oxford/SETI Institute), Itai Sfaradi, Assaf Horesh (HUJ)
on 7 Jun 2024; 11:58 UT
Credential Certification: Joe Bright (
Subjects: Radio, Transient
We observed the field of the type II supernovae SN2024iss with the Allen Telescope Array (ATA) between UT 00:59:54.0 and 06:01:20.9 on 27th May 2024. The ATA is sensitive between 1 and 10 GHz, and allows for two 672 MHz bandwidth windows to be placed independently within this range. We centred the tunings at 6.65 and 7.35 GHz for a central frequency of 7 GHz. Calibration and imaging were performed using CASA and WSClean, respectively, using standard techniques. We used 3C147 to calibrate the bandpass and absolute flux scale and 1310+323 was used to calibrate the time dependent complex gains. We clearly detect radio emission at 7 GHz from SN2024iss at a flux density of ~2.6 mJy/beam. The RMS noise in the image is ~0.2 mJy/beam.
The Allen Telescope Array refurbishment program and its ongoing operations are being substantially funded through the Franklin Antonio Bequest. Additional contributions from Frank Levinson, Greg Papadopoulos, the Breakthrough Listen Initiative and other private donors have been instrumental in the renewal of the ATA. Breakthrough Listen is managed by the Breakthrough Initiatives, sponsored by the Breakthrough Prize Foundation. The Paul G. Allen Family Foundation provided major support for the design and construction of the ATA, alongside contributions from Nathan Myhrvold, Xilinx Corporation, Sun Microsystems, and other private donors. The ATA has also been supported by contributions from the US Naval Observatory and the US National Science Foundation.