XRISM/Xtend Transient Search (XTS) detected SN2024iss
ATel #16632; T. Yoshida, K. Fukushima, K. Hayashi, Y. Kanemaru, S. Ogawa (JAXA), M. Audard (U. de Geneve), E. Behar (Technion), S. Inoue (Kyoto U.), Y. Ishihara (Chuo U.), T. Kohmura (TUS), Y. Maeda (JAXA), M. Mizumoto (UTEF), M. Nobukawa (NUE), K. Pottschmidt (UMBC, NASA GSFC, CRESST), M. Shidatsu (Ehime U.), Y. Terada (Saitama U.), Y. Terashima (Ehime U.), Y. Tsuboi (Chuo U.), H. Uchida (Kyoto U.), T. Yoneyama (Chuo U.), M. Yoshimoto (Osaka U.), Y. Fukazawa (Hiroshima U.), P. Plucinsky (CfA), A. bamba (U. of Tokyo), H. Murakami (Tohoku-gakuin U.), T. Tsuru (Kyoto U.), Y. Ezoe (TMU), H. Nakajima (Kanto-gakuin U.), T. Enoto (Kyoto U.), K. Nobukawa (Kindai U.), J. Vink (U. of Amsterdam), K. Hamaguchi (NASA/GSFC), H. Odaka (Osaka U.), T. Sato (Meiji U.), H. Suzuki (ISAS/JAXA), Y. Ichinohe (Rikkyo U.), M. Sawada (Rikkyo U.), A. Foster (CfA), M. Ishida (ISAS/JAXA), R. Smith (CfA), S. Katsuda (Saitama U.), K. Tamura (NASA/GSFC), H. Matsumoto (Osaka U.), T. Tanaka (Konan U.), K. Mori (Miyazaki U.)
on 28 May 2024; 08:15 UT
Credential Certification: Tomokage Yoneyama (tyoneyama263@g.chuo-u.ac.jp)
Subjects: X-ray, Supernovae
XRISM team detected SN2024iss with Xtend during the ToO observation from 2024-05-24 16:56 TT to 2024-05-25 16:54 TT aimed at (RA, DEC) = (12h 59m 06s, 28d 48m 36s). A preliminary spectral analysis shows that the data can be fitted with a power-law model with a hard photon index Γ ∼ 0.7 –1.0 in the energy range 0.4 –10 keV with no evidence for intrinsic absorption. The inferred flux is ∼ 2 × 10-13 erg s-1cm-2 in the same energy range, corresponding to the luminosity of ∼ 5 × 1039 erg s-1 at the distance of ∼ 14.4 Mpc. The flux is about one order of the magnitude smaller than the value (2 × 10-12 erg s-1cm-2) in the previous report, ATel #16624 on 18 May 2024, based on the Swift/XRT observation.