AstroSat/UVIT detection of the RN M31N 2013-10c
ATel #16526; Judhajeet Basu (IIA), Shatakshi Chamoli (IIA), Sudhanshu Barway (IIA), G. C. Anupama (IIA)
on 13 Mar 2024; 11:06 UT
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Credential Certification: Sudhanshu Barway (
Subjects: Ultra-Violet, Nova
The M31 transient AT2023yoa was discovered on 27th November 2023 ( Its location was found to be close to nova M31N 2013-10c. Shafter et al. confirmed AT2023yoa (M31N 2023-11f) to be the second known eruption of M31N 2013-10c (ATel #16354).
The AstroSat UVIT detected the transient AT2023yoa on 30th November 2023, 3 days after discovery, during its FUV survey of M31 central region. The nova was clearly detected in the FUV F148W filter at an AB mag of 19.37 +/- 0.07 in the merged image of 1733 seconds exposure.
Our UVIT monitoring proposal (A13_073) of the M31 central region started in October 2023 and involves periodic visits to the target with an exposure of 2ks. We thank the AstroSat team, members of ISSDC at ISRO, members of the TAC, and UVIT-POC at IIA for scheduling the monitoring observations and making the data available for download.