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LHAASO detects rapid variability in TeV Gamma-rays from the galaxy IC 310

ATel #16513; Guangman Xiang (SHAO, IHEP), Min Zha (IHEP), Zhiguo Yao (IHEP), Jianeng Zhou (SHAO) and Yi Xing (SHAO) report on behalf of the LHAASO Collaboration
on 8 Mar 2024; 03:15 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Transients
Credential Certification: Zhiguo Yao (

Subjects: TeV, VHE, AGN, Transient

Referred to by ATel #: 16535, 16540

Utilizing the LHAASO-WCDA real-time alert system, we hereby report the detection of a TeV gamma-ray flare originating from the galaxy IC310. LHAASO-WCDA observed a gamma-ray flux enhancement from the radio galaxy commencing at MJD 60375.20. By MJD 60376.56, the accumulated significance reached 7.2 standard deviations, with a flux of approximately 0.5 Crab Unit above 1 TeV. LHAASO is a multi-purpose Extensive Air Shower (EAS) array designed to detect air showers induced by gamma-rays and cosmic rays across a wide energy range, spanning from sub-TeV to beyond 1 PeV.