A possible optical counterpart discovery of NuStar J053449+2126.0 with RTT150
ATel #16349; E. N.Ercan (Bogazici University), E. Aktekin Caliskan ( Suleyman Demirel University), M. H.Erkut (Bogazici University), A. Farhan (self employed), E. P.J. van den Heuvel (Amsterdam University)
on 27 Nov 2023; 08:45 UT
Credential Certification: E.Nihal Ercan (ercan@boun.edu.tr)
Subjects: Optical, Quasar
We detected the optical counterpart of the recently discovered X-ray source NustarJ053449+2126.0 (as recorded at ATel 15171, by Tumer, A. et.al 2022) for the first time by using the TUBITAK TUG RTT150.
Its photometric and five-hour spectroscopic observations reveal that the source has an extra-galactic origin and is associated with PSO J083.7063+21.4333, which has been formerly misclassified as a galactic dwarf star.
We infer the source distance from the redshifted line features in our spectrum indicating that Nustar J053449+2126.0 is a quasar with an accreting black hole of mass, 700 million solar masses. The precise nature of the source can only be finalized with the help of the forthcoming multi-wavelength observations.