Large NIR Brightening of the QSO PKS 0139-09
ATel #16347; L. Carrasco, G. Escobedo, A. Porras, E. Recillas, L. Felix; (INAOE, Mexico)
on 24 Nov 2023; 17:59 UT
Credential Certification: LUIS CARRASCO (
Subjects: Radio, Infra-Red, Optical, Gamma Ray, TeV, AGN, Blazar, Quasar
Referred to by ATel #: 16422
Following the Fermi-LAT detection of enhanced activity of the Gamma-ray source 4FGLJ0141.4-0928, cross identified with the QSO [HB89] 0138-097 and the radio source PKS 0139-09 (ATel#16266). On November 3rd 2023 (JD 2460251.8554), we found a large NIR brightening of this object. The following fluxes in NIR bands were detected on JD 2460251.8637; J = 13.011+/-0.04; H = 12.127+/-0.04 and Ks = 11.405+/-0.04. The object has undergone an increase in JHK band fluxes of a factor of about 16 with respect of the fluxes reported by the 2MASS survey. Our observations are carried with CANICA a NIR camera at the 2.1m telescope of the Guillermo Haro Observatory, operated by the National Institute for Astrophysics, Optics and Electronics (INAOE, Mexico). We strongly encourage further multiwavelength coverage.