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Discovery of FRB 20200317A at 1.25GHz with FAST

ATel #16251; Shanping You(GZNU), Pei Wang(NAOC), Xuhong Yu(GZNU), Xiaoyao Xie(GZNU), Zhijie Liu(GZNU), Chunqing Wang(GZNU), Peng Zeng(GZNU), Mengshu Han(GZNU), Yan Chen(GZNU), Kaichao Wu(CNIC), Xiaoli Zhang(CNIC), Youling Yue(NAOC) , Jun Han(NAOC), Weiwei Zhu(NAOC), Ran Duan(NAOC), Chaowei Tsai(NAOC), Rushuang Zhao(GZNU), Chenhui Niu(CCNU), Yongkun Zhang(NAOC), Yi Feng(ZL), Huaxi Chen(ZL), Dengke Zhou(ZL), Jianhua Fang (ZL), Chenchen Miao(ZL), Jiaying Xu(ZL), Xu Zhang(ZL), Yifan Xiao(QLNU), Xianglei Chen(NAOC), Yutong Chen(NAOC), Lei Zhang(NAOC), Junshuo Zhang(NAOC), Yuhao Zhu(NAOC), Jinhuang Cao(NAOC), Wanjin Lu(NAOC), Yidan Wang(UCAS), Di Li(NAOC)
on 22 Sep 2023; 23:51 UT
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Credential Certification: Pei Wang (

Subjects: Radio, Transient, Fast Radio Burst

We report the discovery of a faint fast radio burst by the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST), namely FRB 20200317A, through reprocessing archival data from the Commensal Radio Astronomy FAST survey (CRAFTS, Li et al. 2018). The data stream is recorded at a sampling time of 98.304 microseconds for 4096 frequency channels in the 1.0-1.5 GHz frequency band. FRB 20200317A was detected S/N~11 with a box-car down-sampling of 13 (+/- 1.2 ) ms duration at UT 21:33:13.958, Mar 17 2020 (MJD 58925.898078225) using a GPU based single-pulse search pipeline (GSP, You et al. 2021). From the logged position of the receiver cabin at the time, we infer that the burst came from the direction of (RA 16h22m45s, DEC +56d44m50s) with a positional uncertainty of ~3 arc-minutes based on the full width of the FAST beam at the center frequency of 1250 MHz. Due to the precision of the localization, no corresponding optical counterpart or host galaxy has been identified. FRB 20200317A exhibits a band-limited feature, the observed DM for the burst (850.7+/-0.4 pc/cc) is substantially greater than the maximum DM expected from the Galaxy in this direction ~34.8 pc/cc (YMW16) and ~52.2 pc/cc (NE2001). The estimated upper limit of the redshift determined from the excess of the DM is approximately 0.8. A preliminary estimate of the burst's fluence is 39.3 (+/- 1.6) mJy ms, which is one of the faintest FRB sources detected so far, according to Blinkverse (, Xu et al. 2023).

We encourage more target-of-opportunity observations with multi-band facilities. FAST is a Chinese national mega-science facility, built and operated by the National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences (NAOC). We appreciate all the members of the CRAFTS collaboration for their support and assistance during the observations.

D. Li, P. Wang and L. Qian et al. IEEE Microwave Magazine, 2018, 19, 112.
S. P. You, P. Wang and X. H. Yu et al. 2021, RAA, 21, 314.
J. Y. Xu, Y. Feng and D. Li et al. 2023, Universe, 9, 330.

Caption: Averaged profile and the dynamic spectrum diagram of a burst from FRB 20200317A, detected with FAST L-band (1.05-1.45 GHz) 19-beam receiver. The data in each frequency channel are incoherently de-dispersed with DM=850.7 pc/cc. The arrival time of burst peak at the solar system barycenter (TDB) is MJD = 58925.9001184188 (correcting to an infinite frequency).

The waterfall plots for FRB 20200317A that detected by CRAFTS.