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OAUNI non-detection of AT 2023pow in R band

ATel #16203; A. Pereyra (Geophysical Institute of Peru, Astronomy Area), J. Tello (National University of Engineering - UNI, Peru), D. Alvarado (UNI), E. Torre (UNI), M. Zevallos (UNI), M. Espinoza (UNI), L. de Almeida (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil)
on 23 Aug 2023; 17:03 UT
Credential Certification: Antonio Pereyra (

Subjects: Optical, Transient

CCD imaging was performed of the NGC 1640 field using the OAUNI 51cm telescope at Huancayo Observatory, Peru, on 2023-08-19.310 (UT). No source is detected at the position of AT 2023pow (TNSTR-2023-1982) with limiting magnitude R ~ 18.5. This is consistent with the AT 2023pow report by T. Noguchi few hours after the detection alert. The OAUNI project is supported by UNI, TWAS, IGP and ProCiencia-Concytec (Convenio 133-2020 Fondecyt).