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Spectroscopy and photometry of V490 Cep (Cep X-4) in June 2023 X-ray outburst

ATel #16189; V. P. Goranskij (SAI, Moscow University; SAO RAS); E. A. Barsukova, A. S. Vinokurov, A. N. Sarkisyan, E. O. Dedov (SAO RAS)
on 14 Aug 2023; 12:49 UT
Credential Certification: Vitaly Goranskij (

Subjects: Optical, X-ray, Binary, Neutron Star, Star, Variables, Pulsar

The recent X-ray outburst of Be/X-ray binary pulsar Cep X-4 (Ginga 2138+56) was observed by several observatories at once (ATel#16088,#16171). The outburst started around 2023 May 26 and finished around July 9, the flux maximum was reached on June 8. The source is an X-ray pulsar with a donor B1.5Ve star and is associated with a variable star V490 Cep. We carried out spectral observations and direct imaging of this star at the decay of the X-ray outburst using the Russian 6 m telescope BTA with the multimode focal reducer SCORPIO-2. Dates of observations were 2023 June 21.99 and 28.94 UT, spectral range 3601 - 7312 A, spectral resolution 3.3-3.5 A. Spectrum of V490 Cep is typical of Be-stars containing Balmer lines in absorption with emission components (H-alpha is in emission only), Ca II 3933 and 3968 A in absorption, and a reach set of Fe II emission lines. Weak He II emission line with EW ~ 0.2 A is visible in the both spectra. The previous spectrum before the outburst was taken with BTA/SCORPIO-1 on 2022 August 3, and no He II emission was seen that time. The equivalent widths of H-beta emission line are 4.13 and 4.10 A, and those ones of H-alpha are 51.4 and 52.2 in June 21 and 28, consequently. These values are close to those measured in the spectra, obtained outside the X-ray outburst. There are many diffuse interstellar bands in the spectrum, which are indicative of a large interstellar extinction of the star. CCD UBV(RI)c photometry of V490 Cep was taken during the period between 2023 June 20 and July 22 with different devices at the 6-m BTA telescope and 1-m Zeiss telescope of SAO RAS, and at the 0.6 m telescope of the Moscow University Crimean Astronomical Station. A nearby star with the position 21:39:34.09 +56:59:27.3 (2000) was chosen as a comparison star. The results of measurements are shown in the Table.
JD hel. U B V Rc Ic Telescope
2460116.52 - 15.46814.495 13.63012.821SAO 1m
2460117.49 - 15.48014.485 13.57512.803SAO 6m
2460124.43 - 15.51614.489 13.570 12.815 SAO 6m
2460133.50 - 15.47714.500 13.633 12.830 SAI 0.6m
2460138.5015.60715.44514.512 13.662 12.889 SAI 0.6m
2460139.5215.59015.46614.518 13.679 12.904 SAI 0.6m
2460148.4315.63215.44614.501 13.662 12.898 SAI 0.6m
Standard15.0314.0013.06 12.3711.84
The amplitude of the optical variability during the X-ray outburst decay was 0.033 mag in the V band, which barely exceeds the systematic errors of data taken with different telescopes and devices. We continued regular photometric observations of V490 Cep since 2001, and 6 X-ray outbursts were registered during that time interval. The star had some brightenings and fadings on a scale of several years. The total amplitude of variability of V490 Cep within this time interval was 0.16 mag in the V band. However, this data shows that the X-ray outbursts are not associated with any level of star brightness, and are not accompanied by noticeable bhightness changes of the system in optics.

Spectra and light curve of V490 Cep (Cep X-4)