LCOGT and ATLAS photometry of SN 2023fyq in NGC 4388
ATel #16160; I. Perez-Fournon and F. Poidevin (IAC and ULL)
on 28 Jul 2023; 16:50 UT
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Credential Certification: Ismael Perez-Fournon (
Subjects: Optical, Supernovae
The discovery of AT 2023fyq (ZTF22abzzvln, PS23fnw) in NGC 4388 was reported to TNS by ZTF on 2023-04-17 and a rapid brightening has been reported by Koichi Itagaki on 2023-07-24. Valerin et al. (NUTS2 collaboration) have reported to TNS the classification of SN 2023fyq as a SN Ib-pec. Here, we report Las Cumbres Observatory global telescope network photometry in the SDSS r and i filters, 30 seconds in each band, calibrated using PanSTARRS DR2, r = 13.16 +/- 0.05 (MJD = 60153.36077)
and i = 13.248 +/- 0.05 (MJD = 60153.36154), that confirm the rapid increase in brightness. Additionally, we report ATLAS forced-photometry, available at:
We encourage follow-up photometric and spectroscopic observations.
This work makes use of observations from the Las Cumbres Observatory global telescope network.
Las Cumbres Observatory r and i images