Swift-BAT detection of the outburst and current rise of Swift J0243.6+6124
ATel #16076; David M. Palmer (LANL) and Tyler M. Parsotan (GSFC/NASA) on behalf of the Swift-BAT team
on 7 Jun 2023; 04:09 UT
Credential Certification: David M. Palmer (palmer@lanl.gov)
Subjects: X-ray, Gamma Ray, Neutron Star, Pulsar
The high mass X-ray binary Swift J0243.6+6124, which was reported to be in outburst (starting 8 April 2023 UTC) at energies below 10 keV (by MAXI, ATel #15983; Swift/XRT, ATel #15984; and NICER, ATel #15987) is now visible above 15 keV in the Swift/BAT instrument.
BAT sees a small peak reaching a maximum of 113+/-13 mCrab on 21 April, falling below the detection limit, then rising again beginning 2 June to its current, still increasing, value of 340 +/- 30 mCrab.
Data are taken from the Swift/BAT hard X-ray Transient monitor, available at
Conversion to mCrab reported in this ATel uses a standard of 1 Crab = 0.220 ct/cm2/sec in the 15-50 keV band.
BAT lightcurve of source