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SN 2023ixf continues to rise in hard X-rays

ATel #16065; I. A. Mereminskiy, A. A. Lutovinov, S. Yu. Sazonov, V. A. Arefiev, I. Yu. Lapshov, S. V. Molkov, A. N. Semena, A. E. Shtykovsky, A. Yu. Tkachenko (IKI RAS, Moscow)
on 30 May 2023; 14:57 UT
Credential Certification: Ilya Mereminskiy (

Subjects: X-ray, Supernovae

Following the hard X-ray detection of Type II SN2023ixf in M101 by NuSTAR (ATel#16049), we observed its position on May 26 and May 29, 2023 with the Mikhail Pavlinsky ART-XC telescope onboard the SRG observatory. Both observations lasted for nearly 85 ks without interruptions.

The source is confidently detected in both observations up to 20 keV. No variability on the ~10 ks time scale is seen in the continuous light curves in the 4-12 keV energy band. Given the limited ART-XC spectral coverage (5-20 keV), we chose a simple spectral model of an absorbed power law plus a narrow Gaussian line at 6.4 keV, with NH fixed at 2x1023 cm-2 (as reported in ATel#16049). No significant spectral evolution of the continuum is apparent, but the source brightened by a factor of ~1.5, from 1.2x10-12 up to 1.8x10-12 erg cm-2 s-1 in the 5-20 keV energy band over three days, while the flux of the FeKα line significantly decreased from 1.1x10-5 to 0.4x10-5 ph cm-2 s-1.

The ART-XC team plans to continue observations of SN2023ixf in the upcoming weeks.

The ART-XC team acknowledges the great support from Lavochkin Association in operating the SRG observatory and rapid scheduling of the observations.