Spectroscopic Classification of TCP J17562787-1714548 as a He/N-type Classical Nova
ATel #15911; Kenta Taguchi (Kyoto University)
on 21 Feb 2023; 02:23 UT
Credential Certification: Keisuke Isogai (isogai@kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp)
Subjects: Optical, Binary, Cataclysmic Variable, Nova, Transient, Variables
Referred to by ATel #: 15914
I report the spectroscopic classification of TCP J17562787-1714548 (ATel #15910).
I obtained its spectra by the fiber-fed integral field spectrograph (KOOLS-IFU; Matsubayashi et al. 2019) mounted on the 3.8 m Seimei telescope (Kurita et al. 2020) at Okayama Observatory of Kyoto University, with two 60-second exposures from 2023-02-20.8719 UT using the VPH-blue grism (covering 4000 - 8600 Ã
) and a 60-second exposure from 2023-02-20.8738 UT using the VPH-red grism (covering 5600 - 10200 Ã
In my spectrum, strong emission lines of Balmer (Hα, β, γ, δ), Paschen (9229, 10049 Ã
), He I (5016, 5876, 7065 Ã
), N II (5686 Ã
), N III (4640 Ã
), and O I (7774, 8446 Ã
) lines are seen.
These features suggest this object is a He/N-type classical nova.
All the lines have broad profiles (e.g., the HWZI of Hα is ∼ 140 Ã
or ∼ 6400 km/s), and some lines (e.g., Hα, O I) have complex profiles (i.e., multiple peaks).
It prefers this nova is likely a very fast nova, as mentioned in ATel #15910.
I appreciate Masayuki Akiyama for sharing the observation time for this ToO observation.