INTEGRAL/JEM-X detection of high mass X-ray binary pulsars IGR J11435-6109 and 1E 1145.1-6141
ATel #15741; G. K. Jaisawal, J. Chenevez (DTU Space, Denmark) on behalf of the INTEGRAL/ Galactic Plane Scan survey team
on 3 Nov 2022; 13:57 UT
Credential Certification: Gaurava Kumar Jaisawal (
Subjects: X-ray, Transient, Pulsar
The recent INTEGRAL observations of the Galactic Plane (PI: A. Bazzano), between 2022-10-31T21:34:57 and 2022-11-01T10:56:32 (revolution 2566) for 43 ks, detected X-ray activities from two high mass X-ray binary transients IGR J11435-6109 and 1E 1145.1-6141 in the JEM-X field of view. Both sources are well observed in the 3-10 and 10-25 keV energy bands.
Intensities of 10+/-1 and 11+/-3 mCrab are estimated for IGR J11435-6109 in the above soft and hard X-ray bands, respectively. The corresponding intensities for 1E 1145.1-6141 are 11+/-1 and 11+/-3 mCrab.
JEM-X covered the same field during INTEGRAL revolutions 2549 (2022-09-16) and 2555 (2022-09-30 and 2022-10-02). The non-detection of both sources (with 3-sigma upper limits of about 2 mCrab and 5 mCrab in 3-10 keV and 10-25 keV, respectively) in these earlier scans indicates ongoing X-ray activities from IGR J11435-6109 and 1E 1145.1-6141.
Follow-up X-ray observations are encouraged.