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Extreme activity at 1400 MHz from FRB 20220912A

ATel #15723; Yi Feng(Zhejiang Lab), Yongkun Zhang(NAOC), Di Li(NAOC), Pei Wang(NAOC), Chaowei Tsai(NAOC), Shen Wang(SHAO), Jiarui Niu(NAOC), Junshuo Zhang(NAOC), Chenhui Niu(NAOC), Chenchen Miao(NAOC), Mao Yuan(NAOC), Jiaying Xu(Zhejiang Lab) Yuhao Zhu(NAOC), Lei Zhang(NAOC), Mengyao Xue(NAOC), Jumei Yao(NAOC), Yuanpei Yang(YNU), Jinhuang Cao(NAOC), Xianglei Chen(NAOC), Weiwei Zhu(NAOC), Bing Zhang(UNLV)
on 26 Oct 2022; 14:25 UT
Distributed as an Instant Email Notice Transients
Credential Certification: Pei Wang (

Subjects: Radio, Transient, Fast Radio Burst

Referred to by ATel #: 15727, 15733, 15806

Following the report of high activity of FRB 20220912A by the CHIME/FRB collaboration (ATEL #15679), observations of this target were carried out using the Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope (GBT) on 24 October 2022.

Full stokes data were recorded in L-Band at 1100 to 1900 MHz with dual linear polarizations using a time resolution of 81.92 microseconds and a spectral resolution of 195 kHz. The data was coherently de-dispersed using a DM of 219.46 pc/cm3 as determined by the CHIME/FRB collaboration. During 1.4 hours on source, more than 120 pulses have been detected. The corresponding burst rate is reaching 100/hr, which is the highest for fast radio burst observations at GBT. We encourage more follow-up monitoring efforts with multi-band facilities.

Representative dynamic spectrum can be seen at . We will update the site with more data while the calibration is finalized. We have measured the rotation measure (RM) of a few bursts at the beginning. The RM is close to zero, consistent with ATEL #15679. We detected nearly 100% degree of linear polarization in these bursts. However, some have strong circular polarization.

The Green Bank Observatory is a facility of the National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc. We appreciate all the members in the GBT for their support and assistance during the observations.

Waterfall plot of bursts from FRB 20220912A detected by GBT