An intermediately bright radio burst detected from SGR 1935+2154 in S-band by Yunnan 40m radio telescope
ATel #15707; Y. X. Huang (Yunnan Observatories (YNAO)), H. Xu (National Astronomical Observatories of Chinese Academy of Sciences (NAOC)), Y. H.Xu (YNAO), B. J. Wang (Peking University (PKU), NAOC), Z. X.Li (YO), C. F. Zhang (NAOC), J. W. Xu (PKU, NAOC), J. C. Jiang (NAOC), Y. P. Men (MPIfR), G. N. Gao (YO), Z. H. Xu (PKU, NAOC) L. F. Hao* (YNAO), K. J. Lee* (PKU, NAOC), M. Wang (YNAO), B. Zhang (University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV)), W. W. Zhu (NAOC)
on 22 Oct 2022; 13:59 UT
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Subjects: Radio, Fast Radio Burst, Magnetar
Triggered by the recent activities of SGR 1935+2154 in radio and X-ray bands (atel 15681,15682,15686,15690,15697,15698), the radio observations using Yunnan 40 meter radio telescope detected a radio burst from SGR 1935+2154 at MJD 59873.41789169 (10:01:45.84215 21th October 2022 UT) during a 9-hour observation session from 07 to 16 UT.
The detection was made around the S-band central frequency of 2.245 GHz with the bandwidth of 110 MHz. We recorded the data with ROACH2 based system and the software package BEAR was used in burst signal searching. The candidate plot is available at Our detection significance is approximately 20-$\sigma$. The estimated flux and fluence of the burst are approximately 20 Jy and 15 Jy ms, respectively. The best estimation of DM is 313 pc cm^{-3}, which is significantly lower than the previously reported values (Atel 13681,13684,15681) and may be resulted from the frequency or temporal evolution of the emission properties.