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Bright Pulses at 1400 MHz from FRB20220912A

ATel #15691; Wolfgang Herrmann (Astropeiler Stockert e. V.)
on 18 Oct 2022; 12:44 UT
Credential Certification: Laura Spitler (

Subjects: Radio, Fast Radio Burst

Referred to by ATel #: 15693, 15806

Following the report of high activity of FRB20220912A by the CHIME/FRB collaboration (ATEL #15679), observations of this target were carried out using the Stockert telescope, commencing on 15 October 2022.

Intensity data were recorded in L-Band at 1330 to 1430 MHz with dual linear polarizations using a time resolution of 218 microseconds and a spectral resolution of 586 kHz. The data was incoherently de-dispersed using a DM of 219.46 pc cm^-3 as determined by the CHIME/FRB collaboration. A total of 49 hours on source were accumulated until 17 October 2022. During this time, 11 bright pulses have been detected. A preliminary evaluation of the pulses with respect to peak flux density and fluence has been carried out and are provided in the table below. Calibration was performed using the calibrator noise source of the instrument.

Topocentric Burst arrival time Peak flux density (Jy) Fluence (Jy ms)
59867.5457019 48 70
59868.7161709 18 56
59868.8024511 6 34
59868.8891373 6 10
59689.0504865 55 136
59869.5823857 148 779
59869.5889749 58 237
59869.6732821 16 19
59869.6775029 181 508
59869.8182693 133 369
59869.9461188 29 30

The error margin for the peak flux density and fluence is about 20%. The Stockert telescope is a 25-m dish operated by the volunteer organization “Astropeiler Stockert e.V.” The instrument has a SEFD of ~ 380 Jy, and thus this observation likely samples only the brightest events of the overall burst population. Further observation with higher sensitivity instruments will allow more insight in the overall distribution. The high cadence of events might enable localization of the source. The dynamic spectrum of the brightest pulse is available at
